Career Assesor

Assess your Talent Holistically
You will be happiest in a job that utilizes your natural talents and is consistent with your values. By taking the time to assess your skills and accomplishments and analyze your goals and motivations, you will develop focus and direction. Focus and direction lead to confidence and enthusiasm.
A psychometric and competency assessor provides insights into an individual’s cognitive ability and indicates the potential of a candidate to excel in a position or career. Psychometric testing takes various forms (numerical, mechanical, logical, verbal, etc); and are intended to streamline the recruitment process and reveal top applicants efficiently.
Why RMA Consultants?
At RMA Consultants we pride ourselves on implementing assessment solutions using the latest of psychological and computer technology. Whether your challenge is organizational development, succession planning, personnel selection, or career management – we deliver proven, tailored solutions designed to meet your strategic needs.
RMA assists individuals in succeeding whether you are embarking on, or considering a change in your career.
RMA uses innovative techniques to provide greater insight into each individual's competencies, abilities and personality. By scientifically matching people and career paths we can help them and the organizations for which they work to reach their maximum potential – at the same time delivering "bottom line" benefits.
Why do employers use RMA Assessment Tool?
Employers commonly receive an extremely high number of applications for any one role. Quick and easy to administer at scale, psychometric tests are an excellent way to reduce the size of the applicant pool.
The RMA Assessment Tool enables employers to confidently identify the top 5–10% of candidates, who have displayed that they possess key transferable skills. This streamlining speeds up the recruitment process, providing a logical candidate shortlist of manageable length and reducing HR costs.
Advantages of RMA Assessment Tool
The questionnaires are accessible whatever the candidate's location so long as they have internet access. You have a portal allocated to you to which you direct the candidates or you have a link from your website.
Proven Track Record
We have been leveraging psychometric questionnaires for over 20 years to the highest standards defined by the British Psychological Society.
You only pay a fee for each report that you request. There are no questionnaire completion, registration or other charges.
There are many variations in the appearance and content of the reports to fit your requirements.
Leveraging SelbyMills Assessor, RMA’s Assessment Tool complies with the strictest European rules on privacy and reports ordered are sent to the specified email addresses only.